First Federation Trust
Chudleigh Knighton C E Primary School
‘Learning Exchange’
The ‘Learning Exchange’ is an initiative which aims to forge strong links in the community and not only enriches our pupils learning experience but also the lives of the local parishioners.
The first of these weekly sessions was held on 4th October, 2012 when the local residents were invited into the school to sample some of the activities that take place during the school day. On that occasion, visitors participated in a lively Year 4 debate around the motion ‘Children should not be forced to do sport in school’ and also in an engaging music lesson using drums and xylophones.
Since then the ‘Learning Exchange’ has gone from strength to strength benefitting both old and young alike. It is now a regular event in many local diaries and the pupils benefit on a weekly basis. Some attendees never miss a session and like to help the children in their particular area of interest, such as knitting, gardening and chess. Whilst other local parishioners are happy to assist/learn with pupils whatever is on the timetable that week, for example Art, D&T or Science. The initiative has proven to be a huge success.
The Learning Exchange Timetable and other information can be found below.
Learning Exchange Re-Launch!
Our Learning Exchange takes place on a Thursday afternoon during term time, between 2.00pm - 3.00pm.
We always look forward to welcoming our friends and parents and enjoy all the varied activities that we can take part in.
Our Activities 2016 -2017
A special visitor
The Learning Exchange had a very special visitor this week. Usually our visitors are adults who share in our many activities but this week Olivia in Kestor had a special visit from a friend called Lucy who lives in the North of England. It was lovely to watch the pair making friends as they took part in their craft activities with Mrs L-T on hand to do some signing for them. Both the girls had a great time and it was lovely to welcome Lucy and her family to our Learning Exchange afternoon.