First Federation Trust
Our School Vision - Digging Deep, Learning Together, Embracing Life to the Full.
The ethos at Chudleigh Knighton is to provide a stimulating Christian environment that creates an enjoyable atmosphere of positive endeavour for all. We believe it is the right of all children to be given access to the whole curriculum, which enables them to have high expectations and achieve high standards.
Children’s development and progress is best achieved through high expectations and the fostering of independent learning. It is the responsibility of the individual students to behave in a co-operative manner, which enables quality learning to take place. We also believe in facilitating the development of the children’s diverse potential enabling them to take their place in society.
Our Aims are:
- To provide a Christian environment, which develops the children’s spiritual understanding
- To offer pupils a broad and balanced curriculum, which facilitates the development of knowledge, skills and understanding
- To develop every pupil’s self esteem through promoting self-discipline so that each individual achieves his or her true potential
- To develop the children’s creative abilities enabling them to have enquiring flexible minds
- To develop the children’s social, moral and cultural understanding with an awareness and celebration of the multicultural world in which we live
- To develop an aptitude for lifelong learning throughout the whole school community
Through these aims our goal is to provide a learning environment where children develop their own learning power by developing the 4 R’s of the twenty first century of Resourcefulness, Resilience, Reflectiveness and Reciprocity.