First Federation Trust
Welcome To Burrator Class 2024/25
Burrator is a mixed Year 2/3/4 class which has 32 pupils and is taught by Mrs Lucy Dennis
The contact email for this class is:
Welcome To Burrator Class 2023/24
Burrator is a mixed Year 4/5 class which has 26 pupils and is taught by
Miss Ella James-Mellitt.
Spring art - Jackson Pollock Focus
Welcome To Burrator Class 2022/2023
Burrator was a mixed Year 4/5 class which had 29 pupils and was taught by
Mr Brad Skinner.
Autumn Term 2023
Computing Lesson Links
Summer 2023
Computing Spring 2023
Lego workshop- Spring 2023
The Oak Development visit- Spring 2023
Gymnastics- Spring 2023
Heatree 2023
Science (Tooth decay) Autumn 22
Computing- coding through repeating
Science- Digestion and teeth Autumn 22
Spring term
Autumn term items
Welcome to Burrator Class 2021/2022
Burrator class was a mixed Year 4/5 class which had 31 pupils and was taught by
Mr Brad Skinner
Summer term documents
Art and Design- 3D story boxes
PE- Outdoor Adventurous Activities (April 2022)
Easter Service (April 2022)
Fairtrade year 5 (March 2022)
World book day!
Computing- Learning to photo edit - March 2022
Art- exploring colour- February 2022
Heatree residential February 2022!
Home learning documents
History: What the Romans brought to Britain November 21
Art- proportion and perspective - November 2021
Gymnastics- November 2021
PE-Dance unit- Roman battles (October 2021)
Music- Living on a prayer unit- Bon Jovi
Food technology- Investigating different types of pasta (October 21)
Spring term
Autumn newsletter and subject overviews
Welcome to Burrator Class 2020/2021
Burrator Class was a mixed Year 4/5 class which had 30 pupils and was taught by
Mrs Nikki Beazley and Mrs Charlotte Perkins.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our class teachers
via email, using:
Thank you