First Federation Trust
Welcome To Haytor Class 2023/24
Haytor is a mixed Foundation/ Year 1 class which currently has 28 pupils and is taught my Mrs Emily Jaworski and Miss Wood. The teaching assistants are Miss Gemma Morgan and Mrs Hazel Hawley. Haytor has strong links with Chudleigh Knighton Pre-School who visit us at our setting. We like to make good use of our outdoor play area as well as the school garden during our lessons; our school field is used during our PE lessons.
Click on the link to see how to pronounce the sounds correctly in the initial code.
Welcome to Haytor Class 2022/2023
Haytor is a mixed Foundation/Year 1 class which had 26 pupils and was taught by
Mrs Emily Jaworski.
Lorry Cab visit
Linked to our English learning 'The Book of Cars and Trucks', John brought his Lorry cab to school to show the children. They all got a turn of sitting up inside the cab. It was a very long way up! There was a bed which could be pulled down and even a table and chairs. After exploring the cab, the children asked some excellent questions and learned that it has 12 gears, 8 cheels (16 with a trailer), it is 25 years ols and has covered 1.1 million miles, it can drive 1000 miles on one tank of fuel and weights 8 tonnes. Thanks for bringing it in to show us John!
The Butterfly Release
Amy Williams - Advisory Teacher of the Deaf came into Haytor and shared a story and taught us some sign language.
Jackson Pollock Paintings May 2023
The children in Year 1 have been learning about how shade and tone can create mood in paintings. They have created their own fantastic drip paintings.
Haytor Classroom Tour
Welcome to Haytor Class 2021/2022
Haytor was a mixed Foundation/Year 1 class which had 26. pupils.
The class teacher was Miss Jemma Lewis.
Reading, Phonics and Handwriting!
Cricket Skills!
Wild Flowers!
Haytor class wanted to make sure our planter at the front of school was ready to welcome some lovely bees and butterflies. They worked with Mrs Forey to weed the area and planted some more seeds to encourage some more visitors. Well done, Haytor! I look forward to seeing the new flowers blossom.
World Book Day!
The children thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day! They spent the day sharing stories, creating their own imaginary worlds and looked at favourite books with Saddletor Class. We even had a very special guest - Mrs Driscoll - who 'zoomed in' to read some stories with the class.
Children in Need
Digital Painting
Some of our children had their 'Show & Tell' slot this week. We had some fantastic presentations that included medals, trips to the aquarium, family pets, special pencil cases and some beautiful painted pottery. Well done everyone!
Welcome to CK!
'Foundation Pupils Bible Presentation'
Children who joined our school in the Foundation Year this term were presented with Bibles by Rev Alex Sharp earlier this week. They were joined by children from across the school with part of the service led by the school's Ethos Team.
Welcome to Haytor Class 2020/2021
Haytor was a mixed Foundation/Year 1 class which had 30 pupils.
The class teacher was Miss Jemma Lewis.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me on the Haytor email address:
Summer Term Newsletter
EYFS Activity Ideas
Phonics and Writing Resources
Newsletter and Theme Diagram
Christmas Jumpers!
Mental Health Day
As part of our Virtual Visit to India, we have been looking at Rangoli Patterns. We have learned that Hindus draw these patterns on their doorsteps to welcome friends and family during the festival of Diwali. The Rangoli Pattern symbolises strength, generosity and good fortune. Hindus hope that by drawing the symbols outside of their homes, the Goddess Lakshmi will visit and bring wealth and happiness for the year ahead.
Children in Need!
Look How much They've Grown!
Alma Thomas inspired Artwork!
AIma Thomas was an African-American Expressionist painter and art educator best known for her colourful abstract paintings. Alma is considered to have been successful despite her race and gender. She created paintings that focussed on colour and rhythm and pattern.
"Man’s highest aspirations come from nature. A world without colour would seem dead. Colour is life. Light is the mother of colour. Light reveals to us the spirit and living soul of the world through colors.” – Alma Thomas – 1982.
Haytor decided to each create an individual picture to show that everyone is different and this should be celebrated. "People may have different skin colours, or may have disabilities or think different things to us but that doesn't matter. We should always be kind to everyone because that is what is important." - Year 1