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For the latest news and information from each class please navigate to our class pages. They can be found by clicking on 'Children' in the menu bar above, then click 'Class pages' and then your chosen class.

Lots of exciting activities are shared via our weekly newsletters as well, so why not pop along to that section of the website to find out more about what we have been up to?

  • SSP Dartmoor 3-Ball Finals

    Wed 26 Jun 2024 Mrs Beazley

    Both our Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 teams successfully qualified for the Dartmoor 3- Ball Partnership finals. These took place against other qualifying teams across the whole of South Devon. It was an extremely hot day but both teams did Chudleigh Knighton proud, playing brilliantly well and returning with medals. Well done to the Year 5/6 team for finishing in 2nd place and to our Year 3/4 team for finishing 3rd. A brilliant achievement!

  • Year 6 Residential

    Tue 11 Jun 2024

    The Year 6 children enjoyed a fantastic residential at Barton Hall in Torquay last week. The children participated in a range of outdoor adventurous activities: they conquered fears, worked brilliantly as a team and had a thoroughly good time!

  • Year 5 and 6 Moors Festival

    Mon 20 May 2024

    A number of children across Year 5 and 6 took part in a Moors festival today, led by the Dartmoor School Sports Partnership. Children worked as a team to complete a range of outdoor adventurous activities including learning map reading skills, leading sections of walks on the moors to 3 tors and letterboxing. It was physically challenging climbing both Saddle and Rippon Tor but the children dug deep in true Chudleigh Knighton style and worked brilliantly well together. 

  • Year 6 Playleader's Conference

    Mon 13 Nov 2023 Mrs Beazley

    Year 6 Playleaders and Sports Ambassadors attended a playleader conference at Stover School to gain experience and ideas in organising activities for playtimes. The children will be meeting with Mrs Hartigan this week to further develop this, ready to deliver a variety of active and enjoyable activities to all on the playground. 

  • Positive Policing and Coronation Banner

    Tue 09 May 2023

    Children across the school were visited by PC Claire Hurrell - youth Intervention Officer, PCSO Tina Jordan - Local Neighbourhood Officer and PC Rachel Prescott - Dog Handler.

    During the visit children were able to meet the police dogs and have the opportunity to have a look inside and sit in the police vehicles that had come along.  All classes from across the school had the opportunity to speak to officers, asking questions about their respective roles and in particular the two police dogs.


    'I collected so many stickers and getting in the police van was great' - Zak

    'Meeting the police dogs was brillant and they even put the sirens on for us!' - Darcie

    Being able to see inside the police was and meeting the police dogs was really interesting' - Jesse

    'I stroked the police dogs and speaking to the officers was fun as well.' - Tyler


    Were just some of the comments made by children.


    Members of the school's Ethos Committee and Year 6 children designed and created the Coronation Banner which can be seen outside the Village Hall.  Children wanted the banner to depict the school's traditional values and ethos.

  • Burrator's Magical Lessons

    Tue 25 Apr 2023

    As a start to Burrator's new writing unit children experienced a day of 'Magical Lessons'.  The day commenced with a 'sorting ceremony' to determine our 'Brave Griffindor's, Kind Hufflepuffs, Wise Ravenclaw's and Loyal Slytherin's'.

    The first lesson was a 'potions class' where pupils helped 'head shop keeper' of 'Honeydukes Sweet Shop' to make the secret ingredients for 'Fizzing Whizbee's Sweet'.  While the 'Fizzing Whizbee's' were stewing children investigated some of the potions  brewed by Professor James-Mellit using the liquefied 'Revelio Charm'; they identified the poisions from the anti-dotes!

  • Fair Trade Conference and MP's Visit

    Wed 22 Mar 2023

    Members of the School's Council attended a Fair Trade Conference at Chudleigh Primary School.  They had the opportunity to learn alongside pupils from other local schools about the importance of 'Fair Trade' and raising awareness about working conditions of people within developing countries.


    Meanwhile; Mel Stride, MP and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions visited Year 6 pupils.  During the visit he spoke about his role as an MP and Cabinet Minister and answered some challenging questions from children which they had prepared.

  • World Book Day

    Mon 06 Mar 2023

    Children from across the school wowed us with an array of costumes linked to their favourite books as well as some stunning pieces of artwork which formed part of our 'dress a potato as your favourite book character' competition.  Pupils took part in exciting activities linked to reading some of which included 'drop and read DPA' and listening to teachers and staff reading some of their favourite dramatic texts.

  • Year 4 Residential

    Mon 06 Mar 2023

    Children in Year 4 went on their Residential to Heatree Activity X

    Centre near Manaton.  All the children had a great time, were away for two nights and took part in a range of exciting activities including archery and 'low adventure'.  Well done to all children for getting 'stuck in' to all the activities.  Thank you goes to Mr Skinner, Mrs King and Mrs Hawley who too the children on their Heatree Adventure.

  • Inter House Pancake Races

    Wed 22 Feb 2023

    Congratulations to all competators in this year's Inter House Pancake Races.  All points awarded will be added to the on-going total for the end of year!
