First Federation Trust
Welcome To Saddletor Class 2023/24
Saddletor is a mixed Year 2/3 class which has 24 pupils and is taught by
Mrs Lucy Dennis.
The contact email for this class is:
Useful Resources
History - trip to Kents Cavern to explore the Stone age

Daisi Art project - Felt making

DT - Making Bread

Science Week

World Book Day
KS1 Aesthetics festival at Teign School

Maths - using a variety of resources to explore place value
Science - Animals including humans exploring keeping healthy and how we move

PE festival at Teign School

RE - Litter picking
Problem solving and teamwork

Trip to Paignton Zoo

Harvest Presentation

Congratulations Saddle Tor class on leading our Harvest Festival!
Welcome To Saddletor Class 2022/2023
Saddletor was a mixed Year 2/3 class which had 28 pupils and was taught by
Mrs Lucy Dennis.
Maths - Measuring

History - looking at changes over time

Red Nose Day - making cakes to raise money

Computing - Programming music

Computing - Programming Beebot

Science - Investigating light

Project Afternoon
Science - investigating materials to block light

Writing and checking instructions in English
PE - balances in gymnastics

PE - Football with Mr Flint

Computing - designing quizzes

DT - Cars

Art - Printing

World Book Day
Costume and potato design winners:

French - learning greetings

MFL - helllo ca va (2).MOV

Computing - designing mats for algorithms

CAP workshop

Science - Learning about habitats
Y3 Maths - discussing place value

Art - drawing a sphere using shading techniques.

Daisi Art Workshop

Gym with Mr Flint

Harvest Service

Welcome To Saddletor Class 2021/2022
Saddletor was a mixed Year 2/3 class which had 28 pupils and was taught by
Mrs Lucy Dennis.
Computing - creating animations

computing animation (11).MOV

PE - Yoga

Science - Exploring forces

Art - Andy Goldsworthy inspirations

RE - Exploring Judaism, making menorah's with hidden messages.

History - Stone Age Hunter Gatherers

Computing - Creating flip books

Art - Andy Goldsworthy


DT - Making Bread

Maths - Shape

Virtual Visit to Italy

Science - Exploring parts of a flower

PE - Gym

DT - Evaluating Bread


World Book Day

Science - Exploring conditions for healthy growth

Computing - making networks

Planting bulbs and seeds
Exploring pentagons

Investigating angles

Art - Exploring printing techniques

Congratulations! Commendation for Christmas Card design for Mel Stride MP
Nativity performance
Science - learning about the basic needs of animals

Virtual Visit to Spain - Paella tasting
Litter Picking - Years 1 & 2

Art - investigating brush sizing
Harvesting our apples
Harvest Festival in the church

Saddle Tor pupils have made a great start to their learning!

Welcome to Saddletor Class 2020/2021
Saddletor class was a mixed Year 2/3 class which had 30 pupils and was taught by
Mrs Lucy Dennis.