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Belstone - Year 5/6

Welcome To Belstone Class 2024/25

Belstone is a Year 5 & 6 class which has 26 pupils and is taught by Mrs Nikki Beazley and

Mrs Charlotte Perkins.

The contact details for this class is:


Eye Dissection- as part of our science learning about 'Light' we dissected a pig's eye to explore the different parts of the eye up close.

Coding with microbits

Belstone class had a brilliant day exploring Paignton Zoo!

Literacy Hook! Belstone children were tasked to find a hidden object by following clues on a map to launch our finding tale Literacy focus.

Welcome To Belstone Class 2022/2023

Belstone was a Year 6 class which had 16 pupils and was taught by Mrs Nikki Beazley and

Mrs Charlotte Perkins.

Year 6 Residential - Day 1

This year's residential saw children leaving school shortly after 9am joining pupils on the coach from Newton Ferrers then onto pick up fellow Year 6 children from Lady Seaward's.  Pupils then travelled onto Barton Camp where they received an archery coaching session before making the most of the on-site swimming pool and outdoor facilities before bed.  Ready to wake up refreshed for Day 2. 

D&T: Trip to Teign School- Woodwork, CAD Design and Laser Cutting

ART: Our finished soap carved sculptures

ART: Sculpture- Carving our African mask soap sculptures

INDOOR PE - Gymnastics: Strength, Balance and Co-ordination

HISTORY- Debate : Where was best to live, Ancient Sparta or Ancient Athens?

HISTORY: Chronology of Ancient Greece

Belstone Class lead Remembrance

D&T: Frame structure building

COMPUTING: Planning our own web-pages

CAP- Today we learnt to be Safe, Strong & Free!

BBC Spotlight report on Farmwise

Still image for this video

The Lord's My Shepherd by Stuart Townsend.mp3

Welcome To Belstone Class 2021/2022

Belstone class was a Year 6 class which had 14 pupils and was taught by

Mrs Charlotte Perkins and Mrs Nikki Beazley.

Belstone took part in a guided walk led by Ian from The Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust. They walked from Postbridge to Bellever, using maps to navigate their route.

Belstone have been enjoying developing their cricket skills whilst working with Niall from 'A Chance to Shine' cricket.

As part of our science focus on 'Light', the children dissected a pig eye today to learn more about the different components of an eye and how they work to enable us to see.

As part of their 'playleader' role, the children in Belstone have been working together to plan and organise activities to lead during lunchtime.

Learning about the heart as part of our 'Animals Including Humans' unit of work in Science.

   Welcome To Belstone Class 2020/2021

Belstone class was a Year 6 class which had 22 pupils and was taught by

Mr Brad Skinner.

Email address for Belstone class:

Art in the garden

KS2 Maths organiser (youtube links to help!)

Coding- Autumn 2020

Virtual Visit- India 2020

Andy Warhol inspired art- Autumn 2020

Alma Thomas art inspired pieces as part of our 'Black Lives Matter discussions'. Autumn 2020

Using a stethescope to find our heart beat Autumn 2020

ancient egyptian hieroglyphics Autumn 2020

Literacy: Street Child Chapter two freeze frames Autumn 2020
