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Safeguarding including E-safety

At Chudleigh Knighton Primary School we regard the safety of children in school and out of school as our highest priority. Should you have any concerns regarding the safety of a child, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead - Simon Westwood. Our other level 3 safeuarding trained staff member is Lucy Dennis. Both contact details are located within our child protection and safeguarding policy, which can be found below.

Designated Leads for Child Protection

CK FFT Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy July 2023

You can find more information about our approach to safeguarding as a Trust here.

MASH poster for parents and carers

Parent Controls Booklet 2021

More information to support parents and carers in keeping children safe in an uncertain world including keeping children safe from: sexual exploitation; bullying; drug abuse; harmful behaviours; as well as links to advice and assistance can be found by following the link below for Devon Safeguarding children.

