First Federation Trust
Digging Deep, Learning together,
Embracing life to the full
The ethos at Chudleigh Knighton C of E Primary School is to provide a stimulating environment rooted in our Christian values which creates an enjoyable atmosphere of positive endeavour for all. We believe it is the right of all children to be given access to the whole curriculum. We will ensure that children are happy, stimulated and challenged so that they can flourish, reach and exceed their potential.
Children will be taught by teachers with high expectations who plan a curriculum that is engaging, relevant to your children and our community, deepens your children’s understanding of each subject and how those subjects are inter-linked.
As children progress through the school they will develop high expectations of themselves in terms of their learning and behaviour; they will be encouraged to be independent learners who can also work cooperatively with others. They will develop supportive and nurturing natures as well as organisational skills to support their learning.
Children’s development and progress is best achieved through high expectations and the fostering of independent learning. It is the responsibility of the individual students to behave in a co-operative manner, which enables quality learning to take place. Our curriculum will foster the behaviours needed to succeed in the world such as: concentration, perseverance, imagination, co-operation, the enjoyment of learning, self-improvement and curiosity.
Our Aims are:
- To provide to provide a stimulating environment rooted in our Christian values, which develops the children’s spiritual understanding.
- To offer pupils a broad and balanced curriculum, which facilitates the development of knowledge, skills and understanding.
- To develop every pupil’s self-esteem through promoting self-discipline so that each individual achieves his or her true potential.
- To develop the children’s creative abilities enabling them to have enquiring, flexible minds.
- To develop the children’s social, moral and cultural understanding with an awareness and celebration of the multicultural world in which we live.
- To develop an aptitude for lifelong learning throughout the whole school community.
- To work collaboratively and cooperatively with our local community to provide rich, practical learning experiences for all children to flourish.
A child's journey at Chudleigh Knighton will include a rich diverse range of experiences which will enable them to grow as learners as well as feeling a sense of belonging within our school community. We aim to ensure that during their time here they will experience the following:
- Regular opportunities to share achievements in assemblies such as Learner of the week/ House point Certificates / Bug Club Reader / Ethos Awards. These will be celebrated alongside those achievements our pupils experience in whole school competitions, festivals and out of school events they partake in.
- Regular opportunities to contribute towards their learning and be involved in decision-making that affects the whole school through School Council, Parent Forum and Pupil Surveys all focussed around enhancing the educational offer at Chudleigh Knighton
- Opportunities for all abilities to represent the school through ethos / art /sporting and musical/dramatic events.
- A breadth of extra curricular clubs and activities that align to the interests of our children.
- Additional Workshops ensuring our pupils are 'Healthy Living' and Online/Social media advocates.
- The opportunity to play a musical instrument and to join our school orchestra or choir and perform to community audiences at our church festivals and community events.
- Opportunities to collaborate with the local community including our local church, charities, industry groups and parents.
- The opportunity to be a peer mentor, where older pupils may support younger pupils with reading or at lunchtimes or as a Mental Health Ambassadors.
- The opportunity to learn about road safety and cycling proficiency within our Bike Ability group
- Opportunities to learn through practical, hands on, investigative activities including learning such as essential first aid, outdoor art and sculpture, pottery, gardening and cookery.
- Activities promoting enterprise and leadership such as designing and making products for community events.
- Opportunities to collaborate and share their learning with children of all ages in our Chudleigh Knighton House Groups
During your child’s time with us, they can expect to experience the following visits and visitors to the school:
- A residential visit in Year 4 and Year 6.
- Educational visits that are linked to learning.
- Additional Workshops and guest visits who provide specialist information and learning linked to our learning foci.
- The opportunity to host and participate in inter school sports/arts/ethos events and tournaments.
- Planned opportunities to interact with parents through shared learning experiences alongside parents during our curriculum open events
Please see below for further curriculum information and planning documents. Class specific information can be found on each classes' page.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and should contact the Head of School to ask for this. Parents will be invited to a meeting to discuss withdrawal and to explore how their concern may be met. Parents are not obliged to attend such a meeting in which case withdrawal shall be put into effect immediately and the school will notify the parent.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Our Foundation Stage class follow a distinctive Early Years Curriculum. The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is divided into seven areas of learning; Personal Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Each area of learning is planned so that children have continuous access both inside and out. Specific skills involving reading, writing and maths are taught through daily, whole class, as well as small group, activities and children’s progress is monitored both through observation during adult led and child-initiated activities.
The importance of reading cannot be over-emphasised. In order for children to access other areas of the curriculum need to be able to read. Pupils have opportunities to take part in guided and independent reading as well as joint reading sessions with their peers and 'reading buddies'. We aim to promote a 'love of reading' and strive to equip children with the skills and enthusiasm to develop into lifelong readers.
Phonics is taught daily. We use SoundsWrite, a DfE accredited scheme, to support children with their phonics learning. Books are banded across the school to ensure that they align to the phonics and reading level of each child. Please take a look at our Phonics Booklet, further down on this page, for information on how you can support your child at home.
Children are encouraged to read a wide variety of texts and genres, for enjoyment and information, developing skills to become critical and independent readers who value and respect books. Children enjoy accessing a range of literature in our school library.
EYFS curriculum statement
Personal Development at CK
Teaching Equality and Diversity
Guide to Reading
Recommended Reads - can you read them all before you leave Year 6?
PSHE Curriculum
First Federation Trust Relationships and Health Education policy For Chudleigh Knighton C of E Primary School
If you would like more information about our PSHE and RSHE education please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, the learning in each subject is provided for all pupils in the school, including those with special educational needs.
For further information, please see our SEND information, The First Federation SEND policy and the First Federation Equality policy.