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  • Netball, Pancakes and Ash Wednesday

    Fri 28 Feb 2020

    Congratulations to our 'Seniors Team' who attended the finals at South Dartmoor Academy, they played exceptionally well against the other schools taking part.  All team members showed great sportsmanship.

    This year's Inter House Pancake Races took place earlier this week.  All ages took part with the winning House being Teign with Dart and Exe close runners up.  Well done to all those who took part.

    We observed the first day of Lent with our 'Ash Wednesday Service' held in St Paul's Church which was led by the school's Ethos Committee and the Rev Paul Wimsett.

  • Gymnastics Festival and Farming.......

    Fri 14 Feb 2020

    The final week of this half term saw a group of Year 3/4 pupils taking part in the gymnastics festival at Hennock Primary School.  Well done to all who took part including the Year 5/6 children you all did extremely well!


    Our 'Class Topics' this term is 'Our History' looking at the changes in our locality, farming, industry and architecture.  Farming being a major part of our lives in the area, this week parents of two of our pupils brought lambs 'Spot and Greedy' into school for the children to meet.


    Children in Foundation, Years 1 and 2 also visited Abbrook Farm in Kingsteignton; a working farm which is part of Teign School.  We also put eggs into the incubator and are looking forward to seeing the chicks hatch.

  • Ethos Day, Gymnastics and Sign2Sing

    Fri 07 Feb 2020

    Chudleigh Knighton pupils welcomed schools from across the First Federation Trust and beyond to our 'Ethos Day' held on Thursday.  We were joined by fellow 'Ethos Team Members' from Blackpool, Lady Seaward's, Westcliff, Brixington, Gatehouse and Chudleigh Primary Schools.  During the day children explored the word 'Flourish', what if means to them and how they can encourage others 'flourish' in their respective schools.  They joined all Chudleigh Knighton pupils in their 'Collective Worship' which was led by Reverend Paul Wimsett where the focus was 'flourishing environments'.  Children also produced artwork base around 'God's Good Earth'.


    This week a group of Year 5 children attended a Gymnastics Tournament at Hennock Primary School.  Each pupil had to give an individual display which was given a score.  Four small schools from across the Teign Valley Learning Community took part with Chudleigh Knighton ending up as overall winners.  Congratulations to all who took part.


    The week closed with the whole school signing and singing to 'Roar' by Katy Perry for SignHealth.
