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Chudleigh Knighton C.E. Primary is a thriving, friendly and happy village school of 100 children which are split into 4 classes; Belstone (Year 6), Burrator (Year 4/5), Saddle Tor (Year 2/3), and Haytor (Foundation/Year 1).

The school is part of the First Federation Trust, a primary only Multi Academy Trust. (For more information about the First Federation, please click here). One combined set of leaders and governors guides all schools. Our average class size is 27 pupils which enables teaching staff to really focus on personalised learning and meet the needs of every child. Our February 2023 Ofsted report confirmed what the children and parents already knew; this is a very good school with many outstanding features.


Highlighted in the report was:


  • Pupils behaviour is outstanding
  • Pupils are making good progress, so that standards at the end of Year 6 are above average in writing and mathematics and high in reading.
  • All teaching is of good quality, with teachers creating a positive and creative atmosphere
  • There are outstanding qualities to senior leadership
  • Older pupils set excellent examples as very good role models
  • The school's partnership with parents and carers is outstanding

Our talented team of educators enjoy their work and the stimulating environment makes learning fun and raises standards. Visitors often comment on the 'warm and friendly atmosphere' within the school. If you would like to see for yourselves please contact us and we can arrange for our House Captains/Prefects to give you a guided tour, after which I will be pleased to answer any questions that you may have.


Simon Westwood, 

Head of School

Chudleigh Knighton Primary School

