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Saddletor - Years - 2/3

Welcome To Saddletor Class 2023/24

Saddletor is a mixed Year 2/3 class which has 24 pupils and is taught by

Mrs Lucy Dennis.

The contact email for this class is:


History - trip to Kents Cavern to explore the Stone age

Daisi Art project - Felt making

DT - Making Bread

Science Week

World Book Day

KS1 Aesthetics festival at Teign School

Maths - using a variety of resources to explore place value

Science - Animals including humans exploring keeping healthy and how we move

PE festival at Teign School

RE - Litter picking

Problem solving and teamwork

Trip to Paignton Zoo

Harvest Presentation

Congratulations Saddle Tor class on leading our Harvest Festival!

Welcome To Saddletor Class 2022/2023

Saddletor was a mixed Year 2/3 class which had 28 pupils and was taught by

Mrs Lucy Dennis.

Maths - Measuring

History - looking at changes over time

Red Nose Day - making cakes to raise money

Computing - Programming music

Computing - Programming Beebot

Science - Investigating light

Science - investigating materials to block light

Writing and checking instructions in English

PE - balances in gymnastics

PE - Football with Mr Flint

Computing - designing quizzes

DT - Cars

Art - Printing

World Book Day

Costume and potato design winners:

French - learning greetings

Still image for this video

MFL - helllo ca va (2).MOV

Still image for this video

Computing - designing mats for algorithms

CAP workshop

Science - Learning about habitats

Y3 Maths - discussing place value

Art - drawing a sphere using shading techniques.

Daisi Art Workshop

Gym with Mr Flint

Harvest Service

Welcome To Saddletor Class 2021/2022

Saddletor was a mixed Year 2/3 class which had 28 pupils and was taught by

Mrs Lucy Dennis.

Computing - creating animations

Still image for this video

computing animation (11).MOV

Still image for this video

PE - Yoga

Science - Exploring forces

Art - Andy Goldsworthy inspirations

RE - Exploring Judaism, making menorah's with hidden messages.

History - Stone Age Hunter Gatherers

Computing - Creating flip books

Art - Andy Goldsworthy


DT - Making Bread

Maths - Shape

Virtual Visit to Italy

Science - Exploring parts of a flower

PE - Gym

DT - Evaluating Bread


World Book Day

Science - Exploring conditions for healthy growth

Computing - making networks

Planting bulbs and seeds

Exploring pentagons

Investigating angles

Art - Exploring printing techniques

Congratulations! Commendation for Christmas Card design for Mel Stride MP

Nativity performance

Science - learning about the basic needs of animals

Virtual Visit to Spain - Paella tasting

Litter Picking - Years 1 & 2

Art - investigating brush sizing

Harvesting our apples

Harvest Festival in the church

Saddle Tor pupils have made a great start to their learning!

   Welcome to Saddletor Class 2020/2021

Saddletor class was a mixed Year 2/3 class which had 30 pupils and was taught by

Mrs Lucy Dennis.

Studying vehicle designs

Athletics on the field

Exploring forces - Pushes and Pulls

Investigating soil

Sculptures inspired by Jean Arp

Debugging programs

Tennis skills

Exploring properties of materials

Investigating Soil - Creating wormeries

We discussed times when forgiveness is needed and can be given.

DT - making Tortilla wraps


Art - creating a 3D sculpture from cuboids

Releasing our butterflies

Look at how much our caterpillars have grown!

Enjoying our teamwork skills - Saving Fred and tower building

World Book Day


Growing seeds and potatoes

We have been looking at how to stay healthy, identifying food groups and planning healthy meals.  We have also been practising skills in cutting, peeling, chopping, kneading and weighing. Some fantastic meals have been produced - well done Saddle Tor!

Mental Health day

Virtual Visit to India

Exploring Habitats and picking fruit


BLM artwork

Science - dissecting flowers

Geography - Natural and physical geographical features

Mummifying Oranges

Our finished cartouche

Clay cartouche

Science - What do plants need to survive?

Creating an Egyptian timeline

Collaging Egyptian death masks

Science - identifying parts of a plant
